Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

I think Matt is getting too big for the kid playgrounds...especially when there are a ton of little kids. He looked liked he wanted to be done with the playground until Grandma offered to go take him to a toy store and look around.  That perked him up!

Merry Christmas!

Julia was so excited for her Barbie house...she gave Matt and Daddy huge hugs when she found out they built it for her.

Matt really likes karate so Santa brought him something durable to practice his kicks and punches.

The girls love getting their lipstick done by grandma.

I'm not sure why but Sarah kept wanting to look at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Or maybe, she just liked to sit in the sink.

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Sarah is going to be a good mommy...she is great at feeding her babies.

Matt and Sarah are practicing reading

Making a Gingerbread house with Matt at school

Making Chex Mix...look at how much butter goes into it...Yikes!

Julia all dressed up for her school day...cute outfit!

Happy Retirment Grandma!

Grandma retired just in time to avoid the first big snow fall in MN.  Her friends had a great party for her at the hospital.  She'll miss her friends, but I think she will enjoy retirement.

Bringing snow inside...made a pretty good sno cone too.

Enjoying the big snow fall.

 Matt and Julia were having fun when the 16 inches of snow fell; however, Sarah was not too thrilled with any of it.  She will get used to it eventually....she lives in MN so she better.

Pics with Santa and the petting zoo

We love going to the Stacy Tree Farm to get our pics with Santa.  They have a real reindeer, a petting zoo and sleigh rides.  This year was pretty cool because Sarah was amazed with all of the animals.